As the in-house designer for 7th Street Casino, I was tasked with creating compelling creative for each month's promotions which acted as mini identity systems. Some are minor promotions, others are major. These major promotions typically involve customer interaction in the form of game parts such as game boards and game accessories, which are especially fun since it allows for more creative leeway. Below are several examples of these promotions that include game boards, game parts, and corresponding web banners.


All promotional creative starts and stems from a logo, which is based on a planner or logistical outline. Most of the logos are produced by an agency called Rhycom, but am occasionally allowed to design them, which was the case with two of these promotions; particularly two games called Knight's Quest and Haunted House. Considering constraints such as important elements (e.g. theme, season, function, audience, etc.), as well as how the logo will be displayed, logos generally need to be pretty simple with mild embellishments.

Given this, each logo always starts with an analysis of the planner, followed by a quick sketch to brainstorm concepts/composition, later executed in Adobe Illustrator and presented for approval. After this, corresponding game parts undergo the same process. However, these corresponding web banners were later developed to pitch better formatting and subtle motion to optimize click rate/website activity.